Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Afraid of losing you, Heta!!!

Was not thought to find a way without the presence of a voice with soul ..

After that one he came away forever that accompany my life

I often asks where he is ..

God's love without a soul who attended me was to lull my side

Nowhere Now I think it's completely

Who Loved Me in pain,Inside jokes and laughter, in his kiss ..

Sounds and words that I can hear and see ..

I cried and I wanted to call but if he's turned my collar?

It was this love can kill me, love my sincere, my sincere affection and my sincere love for him to

for someone who I call Heta!!!(Vq24)

2 komentar:

  1. Mkin pinter aja ny :)

  2. Ni hadiah buat km krna uda jd org yg hbat :)

    Tp mav smentara ini cm bsa kasi ini dulu krna msi bnyk yg perlu d perbaiki, stelahny akan d kirim ke rmh km tp smentara itu silahkan klick dulu d bwh ini :)
